Welcome to the Department of Agricultural Technology

The Department of Agricultural Technology of the Technological Education Institute of Epirus (TEI of Epirus), offers highest level academic, research and development services regarding crop science, animal science and floriculture – landscape architecture.

The Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering and Natural Resources Management was created in 2016 in the framework of the Dept. of Agricultural Technology (TeGeo, http://tegeo.teiep.gr) of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus (TEIEP, http://www.teiep.gr). The Dept. offers a curriculum based on agronomy, biology and engineering and its main objective is to provide highest level education and conduct research in relevant fields. TEIEP is represented through the Dept. TeGeo at UNISCAPE (Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention, http://www.uniscape.eu).


The laboratory uses the relevant infrastructure of the Dept. TeGeo which includes state of art greenhouses (soil and hydroponic), open field experimental setups for volumetric estimation of cultivations’ water needs, laboratory rooms equiped with devices for soil and plant tissues analysis, fully equipped studios (PCs, wide scanners, plotters, CAD, CAE and GIS software) for agricultural and landscape irrigation systems design and topographic, climatic and environmental data acquisition equipment.